So, if you’re a company, co-working space or campus that sees the light, and wants to substantially reduce your escalating bills for diminished productivity, employee turnover and direct medical, legal and insurance costs, then say hello to Workplace WHOLE-being!
360 degrees human will curate and host a Bespoke Rooftop Retreats on your premises (or ours) as a monthly, quarterly or annual whole-being pop-up experience for team building (staff, entrepreneurs, students, clients, customers, and tenants) by creating a more holistic work culture and better human experience.
360 degrees human is a Forever Summer School with multi-faceted Whole-Being platforms & programmes for the ‘student of life’ – making it easy for everyone to ‘Live Whole’ – in real time.
360 is also a WHOLE-istic Studio that uses SpatiaWhole™ Medicine as a strategic & integrative design approach to heal, re-imagine & transform lifeless spaces into epicenters of humanity that co-exist in harmony with nature – creating a ‘Human-Nature-print’ ™.